Brunswick Nursery School, Young Street, Cambridge

Brunswick is a popular Local Authority funded Nursery School, offering both 15 and 30 hour funded places for children aged between three and four years old.  We offer the option of purchasing extra care between 8am and 5.15pm.

We also offer a limited number of places for two year olds which are payable unless you are entitled to two year old funding. 

All 3-4 year olds are entitled to 15 hours per week of government funded education/childcare during term time.  Children of working parents may be eligible for an additional 15 hours a week (30 hours free entitlement).  To find out if you are eligible for funded 30 hours please visit the website

We are open 8.00am – 5.15pm. Download your application form from the Applying for a place link at the top of this page or ring the school office.

We hope your association with this Nursery School will be a very happy one.


Following our inspection in September 2022 we are delighted to report that Brunswick Nursery School has once again been judged Outstanding!

 ‘The nursery school is a happy, nurturing environment’

‘ Children are deeply involved in their play and learning’

‘Through excellent modelling by adults, children learn how to be independent and resilient’

 Please enjoy reading the report and share it with your family and friends – it is full of amazing and positive comments by the Ofsted inspector.

click here for full report



Virtual Nursery Tours

If your child is about to start at Brunswick please go to the News menu above – News for Parents page where you will find a short video showing you around the nursery.

The Future

For over 100 years Brunswick, Colleges and The Fields Nursery Schools have provided exceptional Early Years Education and we are still passionate about offering outstanding provision for young children.

We look forward with confidence to the future. We are working closely with our colleagues in other nursery schools both in Cambridgeshire and nationally in the knowledge that these partnerships strengthen us.



Bad Weather Closure Information

We try to keep the Nursery open through bad weather. The best way of finding out about school closure is to check the county council website or to listen to the local radio: The information you need to check is below: (on the front page of the website under schools is a link to the school closures page). The following radio stations give regular updates:

  • BBC Radio Cambridgeshire (96.0)
  • Heart FM (103)
  • Star Radio (107.9/1)

Contact Details

For all enquiries please contact our administrative team by telephone or email:

Brunswick Nursery
Young Street

Tel: 01223 508790
