Brunswick Mail – 1/03/2019

Dear Parents

Forest School

Please see the summer dates for Forest School listed below for your diaries.

Signing In

We had a fire drill practice this week and have become aware that some parents are not signing their children in to the Funnell Room.

If your child attends nursery, out of their Keyworker hours, then you must sign them in at the sheet in the Funnell Room.  If in any doubt please ask a member of staff.  It is imperative we know who is in the building at any one time.

Gate in the Garden

Please can we remind all parents that the gate leading in to the garden must be bolted and the latch secured at all times.  The gate is being left open at drop off and collection and compromises the safety of all our children.

Modelling Corner

We have had a request of more items for our modelling table please.  If you have any empty boxes, pots etc. then we would appreciate them for the children’s brilliant creations.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Best wishes



Sarah Honey

Administrative Assistant




Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Spring Term 2019
Thursday 3
Staff Training day (Nursery closed)
Friday  4 Term starts
Wednesday 23 Music sessions start
Thursday 14 Cake Sale & Raffle
Monday 18 – Friday 22 Half term (Nursery closed)
Friday 5 Spring Term Closes
Summer Term
Tuesday 23 Term Starts
Tuesday 30 Dragonflies Forest School AM
Tuesday 30 Butterflies Forest School PM
Thursday 2 Bumblebees Forest School AM
Thursday 2 Centipedes Forest School PM
Monday 6 May Day Bank Holiday (Nursery closed)
Tuesday 7 Caterpillars Forest School AM
Tuesday 7 Ladybirds Forest School PM
Thursday 9 Grasshoppers Forest School AM
Thursday 9 Beetles Forest School PM
Saturday 11 Spring Fair
Monday 27 – Friday 31 Half Term (Nursery closed)
Monday 3 Staff Training Day (Nursery closed)
Tuesday 18 Grasshoppers Forest School AM
Thursday 20 Centipedes Forest School AM
Thursday 20 Ladybirds Forest School PM
Tuesday 25 Dragonflies Forest School (all day)
Thursday 27 Beetles Forest School AM
Thursday 27 Butterflies Forest School PM
Tuesday 2 Caterpillars Forest School (all day)
Thursday 4 Bumblebees Forest School AM
Tuesday 23 Summer Term closes
Wednesday 24 Staff Training Day (Nursery closed)

Please note Nursery is closed on Staff Training days