Brunswick Mail – 23/11/18

Dear Parents

Warm Clothes

Please can we remind parents that children need named, warm clothes at Nursery for the winter months.  A winter coat, hat and gloves and layers are a good idea as we play in the garden in all weather.

Small Group Time

Children now have small group time with their Keyworker group.  We have attached a sheet outlining what happens in these and if there are any requirements for certain days such as book bags.  Book bags can be purchased from the office for £3.00 and should be named as soon as you get them.  If you prefer you can use a cloth bag of your own from home.


We would appreciate any donations of vegetables for our activities of soup making and setting up a greengrocers shop next week.  For the shop we would prefer “hard” vegetables.  Many thanks.

Friends of Brunswick

The Friends of Brunswick invite you to…the Brunswick festive party!

Thursday 13 December, 15:45 – 17:00 at Brunswick Nursery

The opportunity to get together before the holidays and help raise funds for the Forest School.  Come along and enjoy some fantastic children’s entertainment from Mr Baboon, there will be mince pies, gingerbread and hot drinks for sale.

There will also be the chance to win some fantastic prizes in our raffle draw, including afternoon tea for Fitzbillies or Hotel du Vin, meal vouchers at Café Rouge, Honest Burgers or Pizza Express, M&S hamper and many other prizes. All prizes have been kindly donated by local businesses so every ticket sold will help our wonderful cause.  Raffle tickets will be available on the day:  50p for 1 or a strip of 5 for £2 


A wonderful afternoon for everyone, we hope to see you there!


Have a good weekend.

Kind regards

Sarah Honey, Administrative Assistant

Save the Date

    (Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)
Autumn Term 2018  
Tuesday 20 Forest School – Dragonflies (AM)
Thursday 22 Forest School – Beetles (AM)
Friday 23 Forest School – Centipedes (AM)
Wednesday 12
Christmas Activity Day
Thursday 13
Brunswick Festive Party
Wednesday 19 Autumn Term Closes
Spring Term 2019
Thursday 3
Staff Training day (Nursery closed)
Friday  4 Term starts
Monday 18 – Friday 22 Half term (Nursery closed)
Tuesday 13 Forest School – Butterflies (PM)
Thursday 15 Forest School – Grasshoppers (AM)
Thursday 15 Forest School – Ladybirds (PM)
Tuesday 20 Forest School – Dragonflies (AM)
Thursday 22 Forest School – Beetles (AM)
Friday 23 Forest School – Centipedes (AM)
Wednesday 19 Autumn Term Closes
Spring Term 2019
Thursday 3
Staff Training day (Nursery closed)
Friday  4 Term starts
Monday 18 – Friday 22  Half term (Nursery closed)
Friday 5 Spring Term Closes
Summer Term
Tuesday 23 Term Starts
Monday 6 May Day Bank Holiday (Nursery closed)
Monday 27 – Friday 31 Half Term (Nursery closed)
Monday 3 Staff Training Day (Nursery closed)
Tuesday 23 Summer Term closes
Wednesday 24 Staff Training Day (Nursery closed)

Please note Nursery is closed on Staff Training days