Brunswick Mail – 23/4/19

Dear Parents

This email did not go out on the last Friday of term as we were waiting to confirm parent consultation dates.

Parent Consultations

Parent consultations will start week commencing 13 May.  The dates for your Keyworker group will be sent out next week and you will book a convenient time with your Keyworker.  These consultations are for 10 minutes only so if you need to discuss anything in greater detail you will need to make a separate appointment.

Small cartons/boxes

We are running low on items for our junk modelling corner and would be grateful for donations of yogurt pots/actimel size bottles and cardboard tubes please.  You can leave them with the office.

I hope you all had a very relaxing holiday, we are looking forward to a busy summer term.

Best wishes


Sarah Honey

Admin Assistant

Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Summer Term
Tuesday 23 Term Starts
Tuesday 30 Dragonflies Forest School AM
Tuesday 30 Butterflies Forest School PM
Thursday 2 Bumblebees Forest School AM
Thursday 2 Centipedes Forest School PM
Monday 6 May Day Bank Holiday (Nursery closed)
Tuesday 7 Caterpillars Forest School AM
Tuesday 7 Ladybirds Forest School PM
Thursday 9 Grasshoppers Forest School AM
Thursday 9 Beetles Forest School PM
Saturday 11 Spring Fair
Monday 13 Parent Consultations commence
Monday 27 – Friday 31 Half Term (Nursery closed)
Monday 3 Staff Training Day (Nursery closed)
Tuesday 18 Grasshoppers Forest School AM
Thursday 20 Centipedes Forest School AM
Thursday 20 Ladybirds Forest School PM
Tuesday 25 Dragonflies Forest School (all day)
Thursday 27 Beetles Forest School AM
Thursday 27 Butterflies Forest School PM
Tuesday 2 Caterpillars Forest School (all day)
Thursday 4 Bumblebees Forest School AM
Tuesday 23 Summer Term closes
Wednesday 24 Staff Training Day (Nursery closed)

Please note Nursery is closed on Staff Training days