Brunswick Mail – 27/9/2019

Dear Parents.

Speech & Language Form

Attached is a form introducing our Speech & Language Therapist starting in October.  If you would like to opt out of this please complete the bottom of the sheet and return to the office.  There will be a paper copy at the office if you do not have access to a printer.


We would appreciate a donation of £1.00 per week from parents, if possible, to help towards resources, trips and activities in the nursery.  You can find the collection piggy bank and tin in Reception and in the Funnell room.  Many thanks.

Friday Mail

The Friday email is also available from the following Monday on our website under “News”.

Outside Nursery

Please can we remind parents to be careful and go slowly in cars/bikes outside the nursery.  We had an unfortunate incident this morning where a car hit and damaged a parent’s cargo bike.

Have a lovely weekend.


Sarah Honey

Administrative Assistant                                                                       

Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Autumn Term 2019
Teddy Bear’s Picnic
Wednesday 2 October 4-5pm
Staff Training day Friday 18 October
Half Term Mon 21 October – Fri 25 October
Autumn Term Closes Wednesday 18 December 2019
Spring Term 2020 Staff Training day Monday 6 January 2020
Term starts Tuesday 7 January
Half Term Monday 17 February – Friday 21 February
Spring Term Closes Wednesday 1 April
Summer Term
Term starts Monday 20 April
May Day Bank Holiday Friday 8 May
Staff Training day Friday 22 May
Half Term Monday 25 May – Friday 29 May
Summer Term closes Tuesday 21 July

Please note that the Nursery is closed on Staff Training Days.