Brunswick Mail – 10/1/20

Dear Parents

Welcome back to a new term and to all the new starters in January.  We hope you are settling in after your first week.  For those of you that are new this Friday email comes out every week with information, requests and dates (see below) for everything happening at Brunswick.  There is also an attachment that explains what the children will be doing in nursery the following week.  Please make sure you look at the dates below for any events that need to go in your diary.


If you have any of the following at home we would really appreciate donations for various activities happening in the nursery.

Envelopes, notebooks or office type materials.

Maps, road maps and atlases.

Empty food tins (washed!) such as baked beans or tinned tomatoes, old metal pots/pans and spoons.


Please can we remind parents to put all buggies and children’s bikes to the left side as you enter the nursery.  Buggies need to be folded/collapsed to allow room for everyone.  Parent’s bikes should not come into nursery.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Kind regards


Sarah Honey

Administrative Assistant

Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Spring Term 2020 Staff Training day Monday 6 January 2020
Term starts Tuesday 7 January
Dragonflies Woodland Adventures Tuesday 21 January am
Butterflies Woodland Adventures Tuesday 21 January pm
Bumblebees Woodland Adventures Thursday 23 January am
Ladybirds Woodland Adventures Thursday 23 January pm
Caterpillars Woodland Adventures Tuesday 28 January am
Beetles Woodland Adventures Thursday 30 January am
Grasshoppers Woodland Adventures Tuesday 4 February am
Centipedes Woodland Adventures Thursday 6 February am
Half Term Monday 17 February – Friday 21 February
Spring Term Closes Wednesday 1 April
Summer Term
Term starts Monday 20 April
May Day Bank Holiday Friday 8 May
Staff Training day Friday 22 May
Half Term Monday 25 May – Friday 29 May
Summer Term closes Tuesday 21 July

Please note that the Nursery is closed on Staff Training Days.