Brunswick Mail – 11/06/21

Dear Parents/Carers

Head Lice

We have had another case of head lice in the nursery.  Please check and treat your child’s hair if required.

End of Year Singing

Please see in the calendar below the provisional dates for the end of year singing.  We are arranging for it to be socially distanced and may have to cap numbers from each family.  We will let you know as soon as we have worked out the numbers.  In the meantime please save the date.

Sun Cream

Please can we remind parents to put sun cream on your child before they come to nursery.  We are able to re-apply for children that are here all day but applying cream to 80 children cuts in to valuable teaching time.  We would also advise that shoulders are covered as they are susceptible to burning.  Many thanks.

Spare Clothes

Please can you check your child’s spare clothes in their bag as they now need to be summer, not winter, clothes.


We have a photographer coming to nursery next Wednesday 16th June.  She will be taking individual pictures of all the children which will be available to buy later this term via her secure link on her website.

Have a wonderful weekend in the sunshine.

Kind regards



Sarah Honey

Administrative Assistant


Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Please note that the Nursery is closed on Staff Training Days.                                                                             

Summer Term 2021 Staff Training day – Monday 12 April
Tuesday 13 April Term Starts
Monday 19 – 30 April Living Eggs
Monday 3 May May Day Bank Holiday
Wednesday 12 May Learning Bus
Thursday 13 May Learning Bus
Wednesday 19 May Woodland Adventure – Otters & Hedgehogs
Wednesday 26 May Ark Farm Visit
Friday 28 May Staff Training Day
Monday 31 May – Friday 4 June Half Term
Wednesday 16 June School Photographer visit
Wednesday 21 July  11.00am Otters & Hedgehogs – End of year singing
Wednesday 21 July  3.00pm Deer & Rabbits – End of year singing
Thursday 22 July  11.00am Foxes & Pine Martens – End of year singing
Thursday 22 July   3.00pm Badgers & Squirrels – End of year singing
Summer Term Closes Thursday 22 July 2021