Brunswick Mail – 17/10/19

Dear Parents

Please remember the nursery is closed tomorrow, Friday 18 October, for a Training Day.

 Breakfast & After School Club

We would like to make you aware that we have spaces in both breakfast and after school club.  Now your child has settled you may feel that you would like to add to their hours at Brunswick.  If you would like to book in for a ‘one off’ taster session, chargeable, please contact the office.

Please see attached flyer regarding two special events taking place in After-School Club after half term.

Data Collection

Please can we remind you that we are still waiting for some Data Collection Sheets.  Please make sure the information on these is correct, sign and return to the office.

30 hour codes

May we remind parents to ensure that their eligibility for 30 hour funding is kept up to date by renewing your code on the HMRC website. We have had some parents who have not kept their code up to date and have therefore lost their eligibility.

Inside Gate

We are still finding that the internal gate to the garden is not being locked and bolted.  Please can you ensure it is locked behind you.  This is for the safety of your children.


Please can we ask you fold your buggies if they are left at nursery otherwise there is not enough room for everybody.

Have a wonderful and restful half term and we will see you back at nursery on Monday 28 October.

Kind regards


Sarah Honey

Administrative Assistant

Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Autumn Term 2019
Teddy Bear’s Picnic
Wednesday 2 October 4-5pm
Staff Training day Friday 18 October
Half Term Mon 21 October – Fri 25 October
Autumn Term Closes Wednesday 18 December 2019
Spring Term 2020 Staff Training day Monday 6 January 2020
Term starts Tuesday 7 January
Half Term Monday 17 February – Friday 21 February
Spring Term Closes Wednesday 1 April
Summer Term
Term starts Monday 20 April
May Day Bank Holiday Friday 8 May
Staff Training day Friday 22 May
Half Term Monday 25 May – Friday 29 May
Summer Term closes Tuesday 21 July

Please note that the Nursery is closed on Staff Training Days.