Brunswick Mail – 27/11/20

Dear Parents and Carers


We are pleased to welcome our new Parent Governor Ciara Moal.  She will represent the parents in Governor meetings and be a point of contact for any parents who have any queries or issues that the Governors would deal with.


The Otters and Hedgehogs would appreciate any donations of off cuts of wood for the woodwork bench.


All the groups would like donations of smallish boxes for a present wrapping activity.

Christmas Jumper Day

We are having our Christmas Jumper day on Wednesday 9 December.  Children are invited to wear a Christmas jumper or decorate a jumper with Christmas themed things.  We usually collect for charity and request a donation of £1.00 please.

Christmas Parties

Please see below on the calendar the dates for our internal group parties for the children.  This is a children only event and we are unable to accept any food this year.  Children are encouraged to dress up if they wish to.

Christmas Singing

Unfortunately we are unable to invite parents to watch the children’s Christmas end of term singing this year due to Covid restrictions.  We will however send a link in the last week for each group so you can see what they have achieved.

 Have a wonderful weekend.

 Kind regards


Sarah Honey

Administrative Assistant


Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Please note that the Nursery is closed on Staff Training Days.


Autumn Term 2020   
Thursday 3 September
Staff Training day
Term Start date – (see individual sheet for your child’s start date)
Monday 26 October – Friday 30 October Half Term
Monday 2 November Staff Training day
Wednesday 11 November Children in Need  – Wear something spotty to nursery today!
Wednesday 9 December Christmas Jumper Day
Wednesday 16 December morning Otters & Hedgehogs Christmas Party
Thursday 17 December morning Badgers & Squirrels Christmas Party
Friday 18 December morning Foxes & Pine Martens Christmas Party
Friday 18 December afternoon Deer & Rabbits Christmas Party
Friday 18 December 2020 Autumn Term Closes
Spring Term 2021 Staff Training day Monday 4 January 2021
Tuesday 5 January Term starts
Monday 15 February – Friday 19 February Half Term
Friday 26 March 2021 Spring Term Closes
Summer Term 2021 Staff Training day – Monday 12 April
Tuesday 13 April Term Starts
Monday 3 May May Day Bank Holiday
Friday 28 May Staff Training Day
Monday 31 May – Friday 4 June Half Term
Summer Term Closes Thursday 22 July 2021