Parent Governors Required

Cambridge Nursery Federation – Election of Parent Governors

 The governing body of Cambridge Nursery Federation has one parent governor vacancy in each nursery school.

Governors are responsible for ensuring the strategic direction of the school, its performance and the use of resources to support learning. They help to ensure that our school provides the best education it can for children, parents and our local community. Our parent governors are very valuable members of the governing body and we rely on them to help us to give a parent’s view. They are on the governing body as representative parents, but they are not delegates and other parents cannot mandate them on how they should vote.

Governors do not need to be experts to tackle the range of responsibilities expected of them. Help, advice and training are available from various sources. If you are interested in being part of the team and have time to commit to this role we would like you to consider becoming a parent governor. If you would like more information please contact the school and we can put you in touch with a member of our governing body for an informal chat.

Anyone who has parental responsibility for a pupil on the school roll at the time of the election can self-nominate, stand for election and can vote in the election. If insufficient parents stand for election the governing body can appoint nominated parents to the governing body. The term of office for a parent governor is two years.

All nominations should be sent in to the school office by Friday 9 February. We also need a few words about the candidate and why they would like to be a governor. If you would like a copy of the nomination form please contact either school office.