Dear Parents
Please remember that our end of year singing is happening on Friday 20th and Tuesday 24 July. Please check below on timings for your child’s group.
After School Club
Please can we remind you that on Tuesday 24 July (last day) there is no after-school club.
Friends of Brunswick
Many thanks to everyone who supported the heptathlon. We have raised over £400 which is incredible – if you still have sponsorship money to bring in please do so as soon as possible.
Recipe Book
Please remember to pay for and collect any pre-ordered recipe books from the office. We also have some extra books available to buy at the office so please buy extras as gifts or souvenirs. There is a sample copy of the recipe book on the window by the office which you can flick through.
Please join us for a farewell picnic from 12-2 on the 22nd July on Jesus Green. It would be lovely to see lots of Brunswick families.
Should you wish to purchase a leaving gift for the nursery (and we must emphasise that Brunswick are not expecting anything) we have a wish list of books, equipment and toys. If you would like to buy something from the list please email me (
Have a great weekend!
Kind regards
Sarah Barton
Administrative Assistant
Save the Date
(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change. Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)
Summer Term
Fri 20 3.15pm Beetles/Centipedes singing
Tues 24 11.15am Grasshoppers/Bumblebees/Fireflies singing
Tues 24 2.40pm Dragonflies/Caterpillars singing
Tues 24 3.15pm Ladybirds/Butterflies singing
Summer Term Closes Tuesday 24 July 2018 (no afterschool club on this day)
Please note nursery is closed on Staff Training days