Brunswick Mail – 7/2/20

Dear Parents

Woodland Adventures

Please see below in the calendar the dates in March for the Woodland Adventure trips.  If your group is not listed they will be in April which will be put on at a later date.

 Life Education Bus

The date for this has now been re-arranged for 6th and 7th May.  Details to follow.

Parent Consultations

Parent Consultations will commence the week beginning 9th March.  You will sign up with your Keyworker nearer the time.  Group dates will be added to the calendar after half term.

World Book Day

We are holding World Book Day on Wednesday 4 March.  Children can dress up as a character from their favourite book if they wish.

 Visiting Author

We will have a visit from Maggie Brown on 14th February.  She is a local author and will come in to read her latest story.


Please can we ask for donations of any spare bubble wrap you may have lurking at home.  Many thanks.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Kind regards


Sarah Honey

Administrative Assistant

Save the Date

(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change.  Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)

Spring Term
 Monday 6 January 2020 Staff Training day
Tuesday 7 January Term starts
Tuesday 28 January Caterpillars Woodland Adventures am
Thursday 30 January Beetles Woodland Adventures am
Tuesday 4 February Grasshoppers Woodland Adventures am
Thursday 6 February Centipedes Woodland Adventures am
Tuesday 11 February Bumblebees Pizza Express visit am
Thursday 13 February Bumblebees Woodland Adventures am
Friday 14 February Visiting Author – Maggie Brown
Monday 17 February – Friday 21 February Half Term
Wednesday 4 March Dressing up for World Book Day
Tuesday 17 March Dragonflies Woodland Adventures am
Tuesday 17 March Butterflies Woodland Adventures pm
Thursday 19 March Bumblebees Woodland Adventures am
Thursday 19 March Ladybirds Woodland Adventures pm
Tuesday 24 March Caterpillars Woodland Adventures am
Thursday 26 March
Beetles Woodland Adventures am
Wednesday 1 April Spring Term Closes
Summer Term
Monday 20 April Term starts
Wednesday 6 May Life Education Bus
Thursday 7 May Life Education Bus
Friday 8 May May Day Bank Holiday
Friday 22 May Staff Training day
Monday 25 May – Friday 29 May Half Term
Tuesday 21 July Summer Term Closes

Please note that the Nursery is closed on Staff Training Days.